Ayurvedic Courses of treatments

The RASAYANA courses of treatments

Rasayana means Rejuvenation in Sanskrit…

First day :

Nasya and face massage with hot towels + consultation + pindaswedana, massage with oil and hot pouches of either hot sand or a hot pudding of herbs rice and milk.

Day No 3, 5, 7  :

Nasya and face massage with hot towels + pindaswedana, massage with oil and hot pouches of either hot sand or a hot pudding of herbs rice and milk.

Day No 2, 4, 6 :

Nasya and face massage with hot towels and pranic healing with crystals.

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One day courses of treatment

Amavata (for flexibility);  nasya and face massage with hot towels + consultation + pindaswedana, massage with oil and hot pouches of either hot sand or herb pudding made with herbs rice and milk + 1 kansu feet massage + 1 meal + 2 herbal teas

Five senses : nasya +netra basti + ear drops followed by face and head massage with hot towels + consultation + massage + swedhana/steam +  Sirodhara + 1 meal + 2 herbal teas

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